A dreamy, golden city shoot with Alice and Chris 30.08.24

Alice and Chris are one of my 2024 couples, in fact - they are getting married next week!
Before the big day, the main event, whatever you wish to call it - I like to meet my couples over a coffee or a nice cold fizzy drink of some kind to go over the finer details of the day, and if they’re up for it, a mini-shoot!
This mini-shoot with Alice and Chris was so much fun. A dreamy city shoot with nice golden lighting? yes please.
After only a couple of minutes in, I could tell this shoot was going to be one to remember. We laughed and gushed (mostly me gushing over how in love they look.) and it all resulted in what I think are some bloody laaavley photos!
Thank you both for being excellent sports and going along with some of my more questionable prompts. Bring on the big day